Hunter + Ashleigh: Engagement Session

I met Hunter and Ashleigh at Beluga Point on a perfect, blustery evening. Cold-ish nights in May with overcast skies are some of my favorites, and my favorite to take photos-- which makes me a bit odd, I guess. But Hunter and Ashleigh were right there with me. "We're up for anything!" Hunter said (though sweetly grabbing a big puffy coat for Ashleigh before leaving the parking lot). Ashleigh told me she'd only been in Alaska for three days and couldn't believe the beauty of the spot along Turnagain Arm.

We started off trying to find spots sheltered from the wind, but after awhile we just embraced it. Ashleigh's gorgeous long hair whipped around her, and I loved watching the tenderness in which Hunter would push the strands out of her eyes. The way they looked at each other was pure magic, and if it wasn't for my camera malfunctioning an hour and a half into the session, I could have photographed them all night! (And yes, I'll admit my husband was right. He told me I should bring my second camera as I was walking out the door. Good thing we'd already gotten so many great shots!)


Cassie + Levi + Baby: Maternity Session


Moms, Babies, and an Awesome Honor!