Baby Wren: Fresh 48


When I walked into the Alaska Native Medical Center hospital room, the first thing I noticed was Baby Wren’s adorable, thick black hair. It was soft and fuzzy and stood up in every direction— and he was perfect. Amelia was nursing him in bed, and looked so serene. Jacob was practically vibrating with excitement while he waited for her to finish, and I knew in that moment I’d never seen a dad so excited before. It was so good to see them again after our maternity session, and I loved hearing about how they’d spent their days in Anchorage while waiting for her sweet little guy’s arrival.

We talked about how excited their families were in their village, and how wild it was to be getting on a plane already with their tiny baby— but that was just the way of life. Their suitcases were packed and stored in the hospital room bathroom for their return to Dillingham.

I’m so thankful I got to be a part of this sweet family’s story. <3


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