Sarah Freije Sarah Freije

Mary & Jazon's Wedding


Before a wedding, I always ask my clients what their top priorities are for their day and their photography. Mary and Jazon responded with only one very clear priority: for everyone to have fun. It's such a simple goal, but one that is easier said than done. Looking through the hundreds of photos I took on their wedding day though, it's so clear to see through all of the bubble wars, the genuine laughter, and the AMAZING dancing that Mary and Jazon definitely nailed their goal. Even a little rain couldn't put a damper on this group!

It's always an honor being invited to share in someone's wedding day and capture the moments that are blurring by. But I find I really love getting to shoot a wedding for a couple that I've also worked with in the past. I did Mary and Jazon's engagement photos last fall, which makes the wedding day feel like it has all come full circle or is the final chapter in a really good book. Of course, for the couple, the wedding is just the beginning and Mary and Jazon had such an awesome beginning.

Enjoy just this handful of photos from their beautiful wedding day.

Mary was telling me that Jazon always seems to attract more mosquitoes than she does. We laughed about how this veil shot was really like a marital mosquito net. I didn't realize it really was such an inside joke until a bottle of bug spray even worked its way into one of the wedding toasts! Maybe the veil will need to become a part of outdoor Alaska adventures? ;)

Jazon surprised the guests by playing "Here Comes the Bride" on his trumpet while Mary walked down the aisle.


Congratulations, you two!

Venue: Alaska Native Heritage Center
DJ: Brendan Babb
Catering: Texas Roadhouse
Bartender: Top Bottle Services
Cupcakes: Lesley's Cakes
Florist: Bagoy's and Carrs
Mary's Dress: Tadashi Shoji

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