Sarah Freije Sarah Freije

A Blueberry Happy Place

Armed with berry pickers, we head out to our berry patch—a spot that I consider the most important secret I’ve ever kept. It’s not just that I don’t want it to turn into the next Arctic Valley picking spot… overrun with people and picked over. It’s that, to me, this place feels almost sacred. There’s something so special about our Blueberry Hill, and I want to keep it safe.

The sun begins to set while we pick, casting a golden light across the berries. I can’t decide if I should pick them or take pictures of them.


With each plop in the bucket, I daydream about what I’m going to make this year. Last year it was jams, fruit leathers, scones, and pies. This year our haul will be nearly triple what we gathered last summer. My mouth waters for juicy blueberry pancakes and perhaps something savory to mix with their tangy flavor.

Fast-forward to our kitchen two days later.

It’s been berry central ever since we got home. Picking through the berries, gleaning twigs and leaves, and processing jars. I can’t resist making more blueberry jam. Last year, my husband and I made over two-hundred jars of jam for our wedding favors, and I’m now spoiled forever. Smuckers will never cut it again! (I’ve had a lot of people ask me for my blueberry jam recipe. You can find it here.)

I also made blueberry muffins—using a different recipe than my old standby. It’s from one of my favorite cookbooks “Sarabeth’s Bakery: From My Hands to Yours”. Most of the recipes in this cookbook require a ton of time and plenty of baking savvy. These muffins are the exception—they are super easy and fast. I’ve made a few adjustments to the recipe, and you can find it here.

Lastly, I did whip up a balsamic blueberry sauce. We tried it on steak, but I think it will also be really good on goat cheese or a fancy Panini. Here’s the recipe I used.

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