Marisa + Neil's Arctic Valley Wedding
Marisa and Neil married at Arctic Valley on one of the sunniest days we've had so far this gray summer, and it was the most Alaskan wedding I've seen yet. Don't believe me? Marisa and Neil married at a ski resort, mentioned hiking during their standing-room only ceremony, and walked down the aisle straight to a chairlift. (Yep, their receiving line for their guests was on the top of a freaking mountain!)
Another uniquely Alaskan part of their wedding was how laid back Marisa and Neil were. I had to laugh when Neil just casually sauntered in to where Marisa was getting ready. He was still putting on his pants and she was tying a ribbon around her bouquet. This was their "first look", but it was completely no frills and was such a great depiction of their relationship because Neil gave Marisa a huge kiss, finished putting on his belt, and then produced a pocket knife to help her cut through the ribbon. Have I mentioned I love Alaskan couples?! It was so clear to me how well they work together, and I know they will have many amazing adventures together.
Bride's Dress: Fabulous Frocks Anchorage
Venue: Arctic Valley
Cupcakes: Lindsey Middendorf
Catering: Homemade by Family + Friends
Lindsay & Steve: Family Photos
I love winter photos-- even though they are never as easy as they look. Lindsay, Steve, and their adorable son, Lucas, were absolute pros though. And you couldn't ask for a happier, more photogenic baby than Lucas!
We even found time to squeeze in some extended family photos! Thanks to this group for being a great ending to 2015!
The First Snow:: Michelle & Matteo
Toddler sessions never go as planned-- which is actually why I find them so fun. You can't go in with a plan and pinterest-visions dancing in your head, because toddlers have an amazing ability to throw all of it out the window; yet, what they come up with is usually much better anyway. Such was the case when I photographed Michelle and her son, Matteo.
It was the first snowfall of the season. Matteo was so intrigued by all the white fluffy stuff, that he couldn't stop bounding through it and then stopping to pick it up. Another challenge of this shoot was the fact that I had laryngitis at the time-- and my usual method for getting kids to smile at the camera involves making a ton of weird noises! Matteo was a pro though and would stop and flash a smile for me-- if I was quick enough to catch it. :)
We took a short break to warm up inside the Loussac Library. When doing sessions with kids, it's always helpful to have some sort of activity for them to do so they don't get bored. (As a teacher, I also LOVE the idea of the library shoot. Instilling a love for literature at a young age is something I can definitely get behind!) Michelle and I had to race around to keep up with Matteo-- he was so excited about all the books and electronic check-out machines!
I've known Michelle since High School, when we did theater together. I've seen her in many roles, but none as cool as her role as Matteo's Mom. There's something I'm in awe of in my friends who are raising tiny humans. There is so much love, and patience, and kindness. Every word and action carries so much meaning for these kids, and I see all of that beauty coming through the camera. And each shot restores my faith in humanity. (I know that sounds kind of cliche' and even extreme, but in light of world events lately, I think it's important to recognize these beautiful moments for their power.) It was an honor to spend the afternoon with these two and celebrate a powerful Mother-Son bond. Thank you for bringing so much love to the world!
Ciara & Jacob: Big Lake Wedding
When Ciara originally contacted me, she asked about wedding venues. The couple was coming up from California, and she wanted some local insight for their big day. It wasn’t long though before she said they’d found the perfect spot for their wedding: a family home on Big Lake.
I'll admit I got a bit lost traversing the dirt road maze on the way to Ciara and Jacob's wedding, but Jacob's Grandfather's home could not have been a more beautiful backdrop for this lovely couple! Finally, I was sure I had the right place when I drove into the yard and saw four men in suits pacing around. Jacob instantly came over and greeted me, and told me where I might find his bride.
I love small weddings for many reasons, but one is that it feels extra-special as a photographer to be invited in to something so intimate among friends and family. Ciara and her bridesmaids were putting finishing touches on inside the house, including a few spritzes of Juicy Couture for the bride. Then, without seeing each other, the couple held hands on either side of the door and said a short prayer.
On the back porch of the home, the couple wed in front of glistening waters and under a perfect blue sky. Ciara's parents stood to the side, ensuring a small video camera was capturing every detail for those back home in California. Forest, the couples' friend, performed a beautiful wedding ceremony. I loved the small detail in the notebook where the ceremony was written; on the front cover it said "Start Something Wonderful".
The whole group! I just have to say, everyone was so fun and I love the genuine laughter in this photo. And thanks to Jonny for being such a good sport. :)
Congratulations Ciara and Jacob! It's true, you've definitely started something wonderful!