Q: Who's the Boss? A: Toddlers.
The best advice I ever got about working with Toddlers is: don't go into your photo session with any preconceived notions. If you have the perfect image of a Toddler smiling at you while basking in the lighting you've set up, think again.
Outtake: Jesse deciding he's done with this location.
Call me crazy, but this is one of the reasons I like working with Toddlers. It keeps me on my toes! And if worse comes to worse, you can always reschedule a session. (We actually did do a second shoot for this one after Jesse just wasn't feeling it-- and I'm so glad we did!)
Jesse is nearly three. Like most Toddlers, he's moving constantly. His favorite word seems to be "no!" which makes it all the more rewarding when you can get a smile out of him. (Which usually involves me getting everything framed up and then screaming in a weird voice, which Toddlers just think is hilarious!)
The amazing sweater he's wearing was made by his Grandma, with yarn Jesse picked out himself-- I'm guessing because it's got some Ninja Turtle colors in there, including his favorite: Donatello. Jesse's Grandma lives in Minnesota, so doesn't get to see him often-- which was the inspiration for the photo shoot.
Another thing I love to capture with Toddlers is the love for Mom. The world begins and ends with her! Jesse's mom, Maggie, is absolutely amazing-- so it isn't any wonder that she is everything to him.
During our shoot, Jesse fell on the gravel and began to cry. I felt a little guilty taking photos during his meltdown, but at the same time, it was so sweet. A routine the two of them have done probably hundreds of times: Jesse takes a spill and starts crying, immediately runs to Maggie. She makes everything all better with a tight hug and a kiss. I love that you can see the tricycle in the background of this photo and that the light was hitting her face.
Aren't Moms the best!?
Jesse was a great sport and I'm so glad we tried for a second shoot. The afternoon light was so warm, and was perfect for bringing out the vibrancy of Jesse's busy life.
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