Sarah Freije Sarah Freije

Samantha & Richard: Engagement

I love, love, love snowy photo sessions! I was so disappointed last winter because there just weren't any opportunities to capture a winter wonderland, so it was a real treat when Samantha & Richard's engagement session ended up on a perfect snowy day.

One of the things I love about engagement sessions is how I get to see love so clearly on display. Each couple has their own chemistry, and it's fun to see how they support each other when thrown into something (sometimes uncomfortable) like getting your photo taken. Richard told me up front he was not into this whole thing, but Sam had little methods to make him laugh and smile. (I also learned that my weird sounds that work for dogs and babies also had Richard in stitches!) As we were wrapping up, the snow began to fall softly and it was the perfect end to a cozy, romantic session with this Alaskan couple and their pups. Congratulation Sam & Richard!

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Sarah Freije Sarah Freije

Dante:: Maternity & Family Portraits

I always try to be gentle when it comes to posing my mom-to-be clients. Not too much sitting, not too much schlepping through weeds... after-all, I want them to be as comfortable as possible. Many clients laugh when I tell them this and say something like, “Oh, nothing feels comfortable right now!” But not Dante. She laughs, but tells me that just last week she was climbing Flat Top. (I climbed that peak for the first time this summer, and know it is no small feat-- even when you’re not pregnant!) And just to drive home how absolutely hardcore this Mama is—she made the ascent with her two little girls in tow.

We make use of the beautiful golden light that is returning again to Alaska evenings. A few weeks ago at a different shoot, I stumbled on this amazing garden near the Kincaid Park Chalet. It just screamed for more portrait sessions.

Dante and I talk throughout her session and I can’t help but burst out laughing when she makes jokes about going to the Alaska State Fair may result in “giving birth in the 4-H exhibit”. She tells me this photo shoot makes her feel like Daenerys Targaryen from “Game of Thrones”—and I can’t help but later photo shop a dragon into one of the pics to make her a true Mother of Dragons. (Usually when I get to this stage of editing photos, I know I need to take a little break. Ha!)

After some solo time, we meet up with her husband, Talon, & daughters, Isolde & Freja. The girls look positively angelic in their floral crowns that their uber-talented mother made!

It became my biggest challenge to get Freja to smile. She was happiest running (and tripping) amongst the flowers.

I love the stage when kids think it is gross when their parents kiss-- a stage that Isolde is smack-dab in the middle of. :) When I asked Dante & Talon to kiss, she immediately turned and said "Noooo!" I love the look of shock on her face in these photos.

After spending an hour with this lovely family, it became clear there is no slowing down for them. From Isolde launching herself off rocks into her Daddy’s waiting arms to Freja using her Mom as her personal jungle gym—Talon & Dante have their hands full. But it’s clear they would have it no other way! They tackle everything together with knowing looks, shared inside jokes, and no desire to slow down the chaos. Their new daughter will be such a lucky addition to such a loving family. Congrats you two!

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Sarah Freije Sarah Freije

Palmer Portraits

My favorite thing about taking portraits is capturing people's personalities. (There's a reason I became a portrait photographer...people are so much more fun to photograph than landscapes or bowls of fruit!) And during this photo session in Palmer, the personalities of these three kiddos definitely came across!

Addison is the princess. She’s got the flowing princess locks to prove it, and took every opportunity to sport a princess-y pose (even trying to organize a shot where her siblings carried and/or fanned her.) But don’t let that fool you—she’s also super spunky. I’ve never seen anyone scale a tree in a pair of flip-flops like this little girl. (She was also rocking a pretty sweet scab on her forehead from a case of bicycle road rash.)

Amelia is the oldest and a total sweetheart. She definitely watches out for everyone and makes sure everyone is taken care of. It's really sweet the way she looks up to her Mom too-- which was literally captured in this photo as she glanced over at her during this shot. She is very observant and quietly adventurous.

And now we come to dear, little Max.

Max is the youngest, and was quite shy at first. It wasn't until I started asking him to jump around and make silly faces that he got really into the photo shoot. This kid is going to have some serious moves when he grows up-- one of my favorite moments in the session was when I asked Max and Addison if they could try to make Amelia laugh. Max shook his butt in the most hilarious way and was the reason this photo of his big sister was possible:

That's pure joy, Ladies & Gentlemen...

It was such a fun session with this group. We started out by enjoying some Italian sodas (gotta get them all sugared up and excited for photos, right?!) They climbed some trees, found a message in a bottle, and raced around in their Grandparents' yard. All in all, a wonderful day and captured some fun snapshots of this time in their lives.

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Sarah Freije Sarah Freije

Sarah Jo: An Anchorage Staple


Some people know her as Sarah Jo. Others just call her SJ. Some see if they can get away with SJ-Money. No matter what you call her though, if you live in Anchorage, you probably know her.

Sarah Jo is like an Anchorage institution. Maybe I just feel that way because I've known SJ since we were both "mighty Lynx of Dimond High" but I don't think that's the reason... If you keep your eyes peeled, remnants of her band stickers litter locations across Southcentral Alaska, and you could probably use her as a connection in any local game of "six degrees of separation".

The only problem with all of this is she's about to leave Alaska. Recently married to a military man, they're on the way to the Lower 48. So when she asked me to take some headshots required by her Engineering Doctorate program, I jumped at the chance. (I'd like to think these photos will one day line a book jacket, or hang in Sarah Jo's office as a life-size portrait while she smokes a pipe and wears a jacket with elbow patches...)

Once we got all of the serious-type shots out of the way, I talked SJ into heading down the street to the Muffin Man cafe. Whenever I pass their colorful "cafe" sign, I find myself making a mental note that I'd love to take photos of someone there. It's such a cool location-- and SJ was a trooper considering we squeezed in this session on her lunch break and I had to run around in traffic a little bit to get the shot.

It's a little bittersweet to think of Anchorage without SJ. (I don't think Anchorage will mind me personifying a bit to say that she will miss Sarah Jo.) But now we have to let her go. Another town needs a genius engineer, a talented musician, and a healthy amount of band stickers plastered to its walls.

We say goodbye to each other on the corner of a downtown street. It's nothing big and grandiose-- just a simple hug and wave. It's not too scary to say goodbye to SJ, because I know when I do see her again, we will pick up right from where we left off. Good luck, SJ!

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Sarah Freije Sarah Freije

Q: Who's the Boss? A: Toddlers.

The best advice I ever got about working with Toddlers is: don't go into your photo session with any preconceived notions. If you have the perfect image of a Toddler smiling at you while basking in the lighting you've set up, think again.

Outtake: Jesse deciding he's done with this location.

Outtake: Jesse deciding he's done with this location.

Call me crazy, but this is one of the reasons I like working with Toddlers. It keeps me on my toes! And if worse comes to worse, you can always reschedule a session. (We actually did do a second shoot for this one after Jesse just wasn't feeling it-- and I'm so glad we did!)

Jesse is nearly three. Like most Toddlers, he's moving constantly. His favorite word seems to be "no!" which makes it all the more rewarding when you can get a smile out of him. (Which usually involves me getting everything framed up and then screaming in a weird voice, which Toddlers just think is hilarious!)

The amazing sweater he's wearing was made by his Grandma, with yarn Jesse picked out himself-- I'm guessing because it's got some Ninja Turtle colors in there, including his favorite: Donatello. Jesse's Grandma lives in Minnesota, so doesn't get to see him often-- which was the inspiration for the photo shoot.

Another thing I love to capture with Toddlers is the love for Mom. The world begins and ends with her! Jesse's mom, Maggie, is absolutely amazing-- so it isn't any wonder that she is everything to him.

During our shoot, Jesse fell on the gravel and began to cry. I felt a little guilty taking photos during his meltdown, but at the same time, it was so sweet. A routine the two of them have done probably hundreds of times: Jesse takes a spill and starts crying, immediately runs to Maggie. She makes everything all better with a tight hug and a kiss. I love that you can see the tricycle in the background of this photo and that the light was hitting her face.

Aren't Moms the best!?

Aren't Moms the best!?

Jesse was a great sport and I'm so glad we tried for a second shoot. The afternoon light was so warm, and was perfect for bringing out the vibrancy of Jesse's busy life.

To see the full gallery, click here.

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Sarah Freije Sarah Freije

A Rainy Day Playground

This is our favorite park. The playground equipment hasn't changed from when I was little-- except that they took away the rope, jungle-gym thing that earned the name "Spider Web Park". I've told Kearstyn & Glynnis that's where we're having our photo session and they get more and more excited as we get closer to the parking lot.

Kearstyn & Glynnis are my cousin's girls. (I don't know what that makes them to me... is it second cousins? Cousins once removed? It doesn't entirely matter I suppose... they're adorable and I relish the chance to spend the afternoon with them.)

This winter has been a bizarre and slightly depressing one. Lots of gray days and rain, meaning it's impossible to get out and play because it's just ice. That doesn't stop the girls from exploring and racing around the old equipment. As someone who doesn't have kids of my own, it's fascinating to watch little ones play. Glynnis stops abruptly to examine a mini-waterfall gushing from a crack in a retaining wall. Kearstyn busies herself clearing the spiral slide of water so she can use it. They both take off, splashing through muddy water, collecting ice chunks, and making silly faces for the camera.

Kearstyn has a mind for photography. She tells me about a "Hunger Games" parody she wants to make this summer with her friends-- explaining to me how she plans on building a green screen. She bounds over to a bench, checks it for sturdiness, and tells me she thinks it would make a good shot.
I think she's right.

For a cold and dreary day, they bound around longer than expected. It's only with the promise of hot chocolate that I manage to convince them to head back to the car after about an hour of racing around. All in all, a lovely day with these two wonderful sisters.

For the full gallery, click here.

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Sarah Freije Sarah Freije

Baby Loose on the Tundra

A happy baby on the tundra.

That pretty much sums up my photo shoot with Kruz and his mama, Mika.

I love the simplicity of baby shots in nature. Added hilarity that it looks like this little being who can't even walk yet is out exploring the great outdoors all alone. (It's the little things, folks.)

Kruz was a great sport and really enjoyed the bizarre squealing sounds my fiance' was making to get his attention.

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