What the World Needs Now is Love: Pride Fest 2015


I love Love. From the butterflies and endorphins of early love, to the comfortable love of well-practiced bedtime routines and holding hands on the couch-- I love it all. Maybe this is one reason why I love Pride so much. There's something amazing about people from all walks of life coming out to support LOVE. Because, in my opinion, that's really what Pride festivities boil down to-- it's a celebration of someone's right to love whomever.

Courtney Lamb & Stephanie Pearsons marched in this year's Pride Parade. They were married in Anchorage in October, following a lawsuit with the state over marriage equality.

Courtney Lamb & Stephanie Pearsons marched in this year's Pride Parade. They were married in Anchorage in October, following a lawsuit with the state over marriage equality.


Love isn't always easy. There are arguments about dirty dishes and schedules. There are your partner's little habits that were probably endearing at first, but drive you crazy after a long day. There are fights and miscommunications. But at least straight couples don't have to defend their relationship to the masses. Now imagine you're having all of those same relationship issues, and you have an added layer of outside negativity to navigate just because the world doesn't approve of your same-sex partner.

I won't get started on how infuriating I find the fact that people are trying to constantly banish same-sex rights and marriages. Why would we try to rid the world of love? Didn't we learn anything from the 1960's anthem "What the World Needs Now"? (If you don't know the song, the world "needs love, sweet love... it's the only thing there's just too little of.") There are true problems in the world that really need our attention, and regulating the genders of who someone can love is not one of them.

I do feel like this year's Pride Parade in Anchorage was more joyous than last years'... Maybe it's because same-sex marriage in Alaska is legal now!

This post wasn't meant to get bogged down in politics and my opinions. After all, it should be about love! So here are some beautiful photos of people in the LGBTQ community & their allies enjoying a gorgeous June day celebrating LOVE! :)


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