Hatcher Pass, Blinding Sun, and Love!
Ask any photographer and they will most likely tell you to avoid direct sunlight for portraits. What is their advice when you say you can't? Find shade. So, what do you do when you are shooting on a blindingly bright day with not a tree in sight for cover? Thank the lord that you have such wonderful subjects like Liz and Jacob, and start clicking away!
Liz and I have had this session on the books for months, because she was the winner of a Photo Contest I ran at Thanksgiving time. So, fast forward half a year, and we found ourselves meeting for the first time through squinted eyes at the Hatcher Pass Lodge. You'd think if we'd waited that long, a few more hours wouldn't hurt, but the scheduling snaffu was totally my fault. I scoped out Hatcher Pass the week before during a very gloomy overcast day, and did my best to try to figure out where I thought the sun would be in the afternoon or evening. I decided it would definitely be behind some mountain peaks. Nope. (For future reference, anyone wanting to shoot in April at Hatcher Pass at 3PM-- the sun will be directly overhead.)
It was great though. Liz and Jacob were such great sports and have such wonderful chemistry! Plus, I do love sessions like this one that break the rules, because they make you work and grow as a photographer and force you to get creative. And the other brilliant thing is: it was so warm, we were able to enjoy the winter setting without freezing our butts off!
Thanks to Liz and Jacob for being such great sports, and I'm happy to say this will most likely be the last session with snow I will post for a few months! Hurray- we made it through another winter!
Jamie and Jim's Wasilla Wedding
Jamie and Jim's wedding at Gloryview Farms in Wasilla will definitely stand out as one of my favorites this season. I love how cozy the venue is! We were sheltered from the rain, while still taking advantage of a beautiful outdoor wedding-feel. In a way, I think that is a lot like Jamie and Jim as a couple: life has definitely thrown some hardship their way, but together they are stronger and they keep each other from the storm.
Being a part of their day was a huge honor, and the way these two light up around each other makes my job easy. Congratulations Jamie and Jim!
(Click on photos to enlarge.)
Jamie and Jim took a moment to be with each other before the ceremony, without actually seeing each other. It was a really sweet non-first look.
Jamie's Mom rounded up "bouquets" of her own for the married ladies during the bouquet toss. I've never seen broccoli bouquets before, but think this should be a new wedding tradition!
Lynette & Keith's Anchorage Wedding
I've always felt like the most important wedding decision a couple could make for their big day is the venue. (The venue totally sets the stage and tone!) In this day and age, you can get married in a barn, hotel, on a mountain-top, even at an old gold mine! But there is something really special about home weddings. They just feel so cozy, which I think was the perfect tone for Lynette and Keith's big day.
There was such an emphasis on family from the beginning. There was a table of photos that showcased loved ones who couldn’t be with them, jewelry from the Bride’s Grandma, and heirloom Bibles passed down to both the Bride and Groom.
Before their wedding, Lynette told me that she and Keith balance each other out. (As she put it, “He’s the calm and I’m the storm.”) It’s always interesting to watch brides and grooms in the moments leading up to seeing each other for the first time. I found that in this case, especially, it felt like that if they could only get down the aisle and back to each other they would have their support system back. As cheesy as it may sound, it seemed like they were coming home to each other. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Anderson!
(Click on any picture to enlarge.)
Venue: Private Residence
Band: Xtra-Tuff Cowboys
Caterer: Tasty Traveler Food Truck
Cake: Midnight Sun Cakery
Florist: Bagoys
Makeup/Hair: Valerie Grunger
Lynette's Dress: Sophia Tulle
Kerry & Patrick's Wedding
The wedding industry, Pinterest, and your nosy great-aunt can put a lot of pressure on wedding planning. There’s such crazy pressure to have everything just right. So often, that isn’t reality. Things will go in a different direction than you planned, but why does that have to be a bad thing? Some of my favorite weddings (as a guest and a photographer) are when plans have to be tossed out and couples start to improvise. You can tell so much from a bride and groom based on how they handle the stress of a runaway wedding day. And that’s exactly what Kerry & Patrick had to do.
Kerry & Patrick planned a beautiful, low-key Alaskan wedding surrounded by their children and friends. Kerry told me they only planned it a few weeks in advance, because that’s another thing wedding magazines don’t tell you: life happens all around you when you’re supposed to be planning some grandiose affair. We were to meet at the bottom of the Alyeska Tram at 6 o’clock on a lovely warm March evening. We had scores of Tram Tickets and the kids had their Xtra-Tufs. What more could anyone want for an Alaskan wedding?
Well, as it turns out, a tram that didn’t close half an hour earlier.
But this is what I loved about Kerry & Patrick’s wedding! There were a few moments of “what are we going to do?” looks exchanged, but then the problem solving started. Everyone was dressed for an outdoor Alaskan wedding, so we made use of the stunning Winner Creek Trail nearby. It was a short walk into the woods before we came to a bridge over a little creek, and everyone realized this was more perfect for the beginning of Kerry & Patrick’s marriage than the original plan.
Life isn’t always what you plan for, but as long as you find a partner who is willing to roll with the changes with you, it’s almost always better than what you were originally hoping for. Congratulations Kerry, Patrick, and company!
Hannah & Wade:: Eagle River Wedding
One of my favorite moments to capture between couples is the split second before a kiss. If you’re lucky, there’s a little spark that makes for beautiful pictures. But with Hannah and Wade, it wasn’t a little spark—it is pure electricity. They would just light up when I would ask them to kiss.
This is one of my favorite photos of the day. This was Hannah's reaction when I asked her to kiss Wade. Everything else melted away and it was just husband and wife and that great spark.
From start to finish, I was with them for only an hour-- but there were plenty of amazing photo opportunities. Hannah and Wade had a small ceremony at the gorgeous Eagle River Nature Center, overlooking mountains and water. It's clear they have a great group of friends, who have become a second family for them in Alaska.
Hannah was one of those enviable brides who just makes it all look so easy! She was absolutely stunning, and was a real trooper when it came to hiking in heels and suffering through the mosquito attacks.
Wade said he wished they'd gotten married in front of an erupting volcano. And sometimes when you're finally going a little looney from editing, photoshopping Alaska's mountains seems like the perfect way to spend your time. This idea and photo definitely sums up how fun this couple is!
Congratulations Hannah & Wade!
Love is in the Air... No, Literally!
It's not everyday that your office takes flight! Samantha & Owen's engagement has to be one of the most amazing photography experiences I've ever had. The couple shares a love for aviation and our original plan was to take photos by their plane on Lake Hood. The day before the shoot, I got a text from Sam asking if I'd be willing to go for a plane ride for their Engagement Session. Of course I would! Have I mentioned I love Alaskan couples!?
There's something really cool about doing an Engagement Session when the couple must do something together. Suddenly you get to see them in a whole new light and working as a team. And in this case, getting a plane ready to go is not a simple task. I loved how Sam and Owen settled into their familiar rhythms to get ready to go. Sam pulled on her gloves and began removing tie-downs and Owen began checking systems in the cockpit. It was clear this was something they'd done hundreds of times together, and worked through an unspoken checklist using their own form of communication.
Have I mentioned I love Alaskan Brides?!
Fueling a bush plane takes true teamwork!
Samantha's ring on the nose of the plane. Only in Alaska.
We circled Hope & Girdwood trying to spot wildlife before landing in Whittier. We saw two different mama bears and cubs frolicking on mountain sides and a Humpback whale! It was breathtaking, and what was so cool about it is Sam and Owen definitely don't take for granted how amazing these flights are. I love the adventurous Alaskan spirit.
My personal favorite from our session. Samantha has this gorgeous and genuine smile that is infectious, and I loved the effect it has on Owen in the pictures. For one sequence I told them to try to be serious, knowing it would lead to a giggly Samantha. Once Samantha was trying to keep from laughing, an adorable smirk crept over Owen's face. I love how genuine this photo feels. And we even got some blue skies in Whittier towards the end of our session!
Owen designed Samantha's ring and took inspiration from her Grandmother's ring. I couldn't stop taking photos of it in various locations because it is gorgeous!
Another tender moment caught on camera. Samantha was worried about her hair looking windblown and "crazy"-- as she put it-- and Owen was quick to help catch flyaways.
Samantha found an old rusty rail road spike and a cool rock on the beach.
She scratched their names and wedding year on it.
Thank you to Samantha and Owen for giving me such a beautiful experience and couple to work with! It was so much fun and I'm so excited for your journey as husband and wife!
What the World Needs Now is Love: Pride Fest 2015
I love Love. From the butterflies and endorphins of early love, to the comfortable love of well-practiced bedtime routines and holding hands on the couch-- I love it all. Maybe this is one reason why I love Pride so much. There's something amazing about people from all walks of life coming out to support LOVE. Because, in my opinion, that's really what Pride festivities boil down to-- it's a celebration of someone's right to love whomever.
Courtney Lamb & Stephanie Pearsons marched in this year's Pride Parade. They were married in Anchorage in October, following a lawsuit with the state over marriage equality.
Love isn't always easy. There are arguments about dirty dishes and schedules. There are your partner's little habits that were probably endearing at first, but drive you crazy after a long day. There are fights and miscommunications. But at least straight couples don't have to defend their relationship to the masses. Now imagine you're having all of those same relationship issues, and you have an added layer of outside negativity to navigate just because the world doesn't approve of your same-sex partner.
I won't get started on how infuriating I find the fact that people are trying to constantly banish same-sex rights and marriages. Why would we try to rid the world of love? Didn't we learn anything from the 1960's anthem "What the World Needs Now"? (If you don't know the song, the world "needs love, sweet love... it's the only thing there's just too little of.") There are true problems in the world that really need our attention, and regulating the genders of who someone can love is not one of them.
I do feel like this year's Pride Parade in Anchorage was more joyous than last years'... Maybe it's because same-sex marriage in Alaska is legal now!
This post wasn't meant to get bogged down in politics and my opinions. After all, it should be about love! So here are some beautiful photos of people in the LGBTQ community & their allies enjoying a gorgeous June day celebrating LOVE! :)
The Most Amazing Banana Cream Pie... (and I don't even like Banana Cream Pie)
My window for likeable bananas is small. They must be more green than yellow, but not so green that they taste chalky and not so yellow that they smell like fake banana candies. When my bananas are outside of this criteria, I usually find them only fitting for smoothies or banana bread. But when the Love of my Life said he was craving a Banana Cream Pie, I found it to be the perfect excuse to indulge my love of baking and deal with the "ripe" bananas on the counter.
Now, I should give a warning before divulging this most-delicious Banana Cream Pie recipe. This is not your fast, pre-cooked pie shell, run of the mill recipe. This is a labor of love, but one that will pay off.
Almond Pastry Dough:
3 Tablespoons almonds, toasted
1 cup plus 1 Tablespoon all-purpose flour
3 Tablespoons superfine sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 stick unsalted butter, chilled and cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1 large egg
1 Tablespoon ice water, plus more as needed
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
Dough Instructions:
1. Grind the almonds in a food processor with 1 Tablespoon of flour until powedery. Combine the remaining flour, the ground almond mixture, sugar, and salt in a medium bowl. Add the butter cubes and toss to coat with the flour mix. Cut the butter in until the mix looks coarse, with small pea-size chunks of butter.
2. Using a fork, mix the egg yolk, 1 Tablespoon ice water, vanilla and almond extract in a small bowl. Drizzle the yolk mixture all over the flour mixture and combine just until the dough clumps. If the dough is too dry, add more ice water, a little at a time.
3. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface and shape into a 1-inch disk. Wrap in plastic wrap. Chill for 30 minutes to one hour.
4. Position a rack in the bottom third of the oven and preheat to 375 degrees F. Line a 9-inch pie plate with the chilled almond dough. Pierce the bottom of the dough in a uniform pattern with a fork. Freeze for 15 minutes.
5. Line the dough with a round of parchment paper and fill with pie weights. Bake on a half-sheet pan for 15 minutes, until the pastry is set. Remove the parchment paper and the weights and continue baking until the pastry is golden brown, about 10 minutes. Cool completely.
Banana Cream Pie Filling, from "Sarabeth's Bakery"
Banana Cream Pie Filling:
2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
2 Tablespoons cold water
4 large egg yolks
1/3 cup baker's superfine sugar
1 and 1/2 Tablespoons cornstarch
1 and 1/2 cups whole milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup heavy cream
1. To make the filling, sprinkle the gelatin over the water in a small bowl. Set aside until the gelatin softens, about 5 minutes.
2. Whisk the yolks, sugar, and cornstarch in a medium bowl until combined. Set aside.
3. Heat the milk in a heavy-bottomed medium saucepan over medium heat until very hot. Gradually whisk the hot milk into the yolk mixture. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan. Whisking constantly, cook over medium heat until the filling thickens and comes to a full boil. Reduce the heat to low and whisk for 1 minute. Remove from heat, add the gelatin mixture and whisk until the gelatin is completely melted. The cream will thin slightly, but that's okay. Stir in the vanilla. Place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface (this discourages a skin from forming) and pierce a few holes with a knife. Let stand on a wire rack until completely cooled, and thickened but not set. Remove the plastic wrap and fold in the bananas.
4. Using a whisk or handheld mixer, beat the cream in a small bowl just until it forms soft peaks. Fold the whipped cream into the banana mixture. Fill the fooled pastry shell and smooth the top. Cover with plastic wrap and let the filling set in the shell in the refrigerator, about 1 hour.
1 and 1/2 cups heavy cream, chilled
3 Tablespoons superfine sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 Tablespoons sliced almonds, toasted, for garnish
1. To make the topping, beat the heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla just until it forms stiff peaks. Transfer to a pastry bag fitted with a 3/8 inch open star tip. Pipe swirls of whipped cream to completely cover the top of the pie. Refrigerate until the pie is chilled, at least 1 hour. Before serving, top with toasted almonds. Serve chilled and ENJOY!
Adapted from "Sarabeth's Bakery: From My Hands to Yours" by Sarabeth Levine