Family Mini-Sessions: Part One


Oh, hello poor neglected Blog! I've been so busy with holiday sessions, that I haven't had much time to post anything these days! I've had the idea for years that I wanted to decorate a Christmas Tree in the woods for a session. My lovely husband loaded up a sled with a generator, propane, a little heater, and all of the lights and ornaments I'd collected, and then we headed out into the woods.

I have to thank the families from this session yet again because it was so cold. Like can't-feel-your-fingers-for-days-afterward cold. The kids did surprisingly well, maybe in part to bribery of (frozen) milk and cookies.

This was my first time ever doing mini-sessions. (If you aren't familiar with mini sessions, it's a shorter session with a handful of images delivered, as opposed to a photographer's full offering. We can offer these for less money than our normal sessions because we schedule families back-to-back and have less editing required. This is a great way to try out a photographer or get some updated family photos.) I was a bit nervous though about doing mini's, because I love to really connect with my clients and I was worried I wouldn't be able to do that in 20 minutes. But it all went brilliantly (except for some tears), so I will definitely be offering mini's again!

Here are just a few highlights from the day:

Here's a behind-the-scenes shot from our Christmas scene: heaters to try to warm up the kiddos, tubs of ornaments, step ladder, extension cords-- you name it! Did I mention it was so freaking cold!?


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