Anchorage Cozy Newborn Session
The early winter months in Anchorage hold a special kind of magic. The first snow seems to quiet the whole world and I love the draw to slow down and be cozy. In a lot of ways, it is reminiscent to those early days at home with a newborn. I really love that this session seemed to capture that sense of hygge (the art of coziness) and quiet.
Maternity Session at the Anchorage Municipal Greenhouse
The Mann Leiser Memorial Greenhouse is an Anchorage gem and an amazing photo location! Chances are if you follow any photographer in Anchorage (maybe even Alaska!?) you've seen this spot show up on your social media. It is stunning in it's own right, but it is also my favorite weather back-up plan for photos.
Snowy Day Family Session
I love when families want to capture activities that they enjoy. Fun activities are one of the best ways to get those genuine, unposed moments that truly showcase the love and bond within a family. Add in a little record-setting snow and you’ve got a recipe for magic.
Anchorage Backyard Session: Lindsay and Steve
I’ve always loved all of the epic locations I get to use in Alaska as a photographer, but recently my favorite locations have changed. Sure, mountains and glacier-fed lakes are amazing— but in my book, they’ve got nothing on your own backyard. I love photographing families on their own turf because in so many ways it already sets the tone; kids are relaxed and ready to play, and parents are calm because they haven’t had to deal with a screaming car ride and perfect outfits now covered in snacks and spit-up. They are in a familiar place, and the love and connection really gets to take center stage.
Keeping it close to home for Lindsay, Steve, and their boys felt especially perfect in a year when we are all spending more time at home. I know with my own kids, our backyard has been our saving grace during the pandemic— and though it isn’t the most gorgeous spot, it will always remind me of our days where we really relied on each other and learned to create magic out of nothing. And to me, this is also the essence of lifestyle photography. It’s the idea of letting you live your daily life the way you always do, and I come along to capture split-second moments in a way that allows you to see the magic that was always there.
Robey Family: Anchorage Winter Session
This was my last session before my family and I started to self-isolate as news of Coronavirus spread, and the truth is, I couldn’t have asked for a better last-social-life-hoorah. This was in March when it hadn’t really hit Alaska yet, but the news around the world was enough to induce anxiety. Originally, we’d talked about rescheduling, but when I heard that Grandma was up visiting, I knew we had to go forward with it and I’m so glad we did. (Of course being incredibly cautious.)
It’s crazy to think that it’s been six weeks now since this session, and this was my last in-person social interaction with anyone outside of my family. In this time of social distancing and fear, that sense of community really stuck with me. After the initial weirdness about not being able to hug or shake hands at the beginning of the session wore off, we were left with two sweet little boys playing, enjoying their mom, dad, and grandma, and desperately trying to eat as much snow as they could get their hands on.
In some ways, I look at these photos and it feels like a lifetime ago. And in other ways, it reminds me that this sort of simple joy is what I’m excited to return to. (That, and hugs and handshakes.)
Sangiacomo Family: Eagle River Photos
I know a lot of photographers say they don’t/won’t take pictures for other photographers, but that’s not me at all! I love taking pictures for other photographers! For one thing, I love that other photographers can really appreciate all that is going into the session, and they are always especially appreciative about having the opportunity to actually be in some photos with their families. If we are going to preach the importance of documenting life, we have to get onboard too!
Meghan Sangiacomo is another Alaskan photographer, and I just adore her as an artist and a person. We met at some photography collaborations, and I loved how easy it was to be around her. Plus, she’s such an amazing mom and her two little guys are hilarious! We had a lot of fun just running around by the water, skipping rocks, and enjoying Alaska in the fall. (Autumn in Alaska is pure magic for photos, and I wish it lasted for months instead of weeks. Maybe make that one week… ha.)
Siobhan + Dylan's Family: Alaskan Summer Mini-Session
This amazing family right here is why I will always have a vendor booth at the Alaska Birth Collective’s Baby Fair. Always. I met Siobhan and Dylan at the fair when they were expecting, and we immediately hit it off. Siobhan booked me for her Maternity photos, and now I’ve been lucky enough to take family photos for them three other times.
There is nothing cooler than getting to be a part of a family’s story in this way. We have inside jokes (like what kind of shoes is Siobhan going to be wearing at this session, and how long will it take her to kick them off! Ha!) and I get to see their son grow and change. (I hope too as he gets older, he will start to remember me and that will be even more fun!)
I was also so pleased that at this summer mini-session, Siobhan wanted nursing photos. She and I talked a lot about our nursing journeys, and I loved that we were able to capture the selfless, awesome, powerful feelings she had about breastfeeding in such an awesome setting. I squealed with delight the entire time I was editing this session, and it was the kind of session I just couldn’t wait to share with them.
Palmer In-Home Family Session
Family lifestyle sessions— both indoor and outdoor— are my absolute favorite thing in the whole world to photograph, and I realized I’ve completely neglected showing that on my blog! I love all of the story lines you can pull out of family sessions. In this particular series, I love all of the shots with big brother in the frame because you can really see how he is trying to make sense of what has just happened to his little world. (This next one you’re about to see, where he is watching from the chair as Mom swaddles the new baby is everything to me!)
While Alaska offers so many gorgeous outdoor spots for photos, there is something magical about going indoors when a new baby comes home. I love capturing the little routines, the spaces where families spend a lot of time, and of course, the sweet little baby details. The best part too about lifestyle photos, is you really get to relax in front of the camera and just love on your family without having to worry about being perfect.
Family Mini-Sessions: Part One
Oh, hello poor neglected Blog! I've been so busy with holiday sessions, that I haven't had much time to post anything these days! I've had the idea for years that I wanted to decorate a Christmas Tree in the woods for a session. My lovely husband loaded up a sled with a generator, propane, a little heater, and all of the lights and ornaments I'd collected, and then we headed out into the woods.
I have to thank the families from this session yet again because it was so cold. Like can't-feel-your-fingers-for-days-afterward cold. The kids did surprisingly well, maybe in part to bribery of (frozen) milk and cookies.
This was my first time ever doing mini-sessions. (If you aren't familiar with mini sessions, it's a shorter session with a handful of images delivered, as opposed to a photographer's full offering. We can offer these for less money than our normal sessions because we schedule families back-to-back and have less editing required. This is a great way to try out a photographer or get some updated family photos.) I was a bit nervous though about doing mini's, because I love to really connect with my clients and I was worried I wouldn't be able to do that in 20 minutes. But it all went brilliantly (except for some tears), so I will definitely be offering mini's again!
Here are just a few highlights from the day:
Here's a behind-the-scenes shot from our Christmas scene: heaters to try to warm up the kiddos, tubs of ornaments, step ladder, extension cords-- you name it! Did I mention it was so freaking cold!?
Lynette & Keith's Anchorage Wedding
I've always felt like the most important wedding decision a couple could make for their big day is the venue. (The venue totally sets the stage and tone!) In this day and age, you can get married in a barn, hotel, on a mountain-top, even at an old gold mine! But there is something really special about home weddings. They just feel so cozy, which I think was the perfect tone for Lynette and Keith's big day.
There was such an emphasis on family from the beginning. There was a table of photos that showcased loved ones who couldn’t be with them, jewelry from the Bride’s Grandma, and heirloom Bibles passed down to both the Bride and Groom.
Before their wedding, Lynette told me that she and Keith balance each other out. (As she put it, “He’s the calm and I’m the storm.”) It’s always interesting to watch brides and grooms in the moments leading up to seeing each other for the first time. I found that in this case, especially, it felt like that if they could only get down the aisle and back to each other they would have their support system back. As cheesy as it may sound, it seemed like they were coming home to each other. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Anderson!
(Click on any picture to enlarge.)
Venue: Private Residence
Band: Xtra-Tuff Cowboys
Caterer: Tasty Traveler Food Truck
Cake: Midnight Sun Cakery
Florist: Bagoys
Makeup/Hair: Valerie Grunger
Lynette's Dress: Sophia Tulle
Lindsay & Steve: Family Photos
I love winter photos-- even though they are never as easy as they look. Lindsay, Steve, and their adorable son, Lucas, were absolute pros though. And you couldn't ask for a happier, more photogenic baby than Lucas!
We even found time to squeeze in some extended family photos! Thanks to this group for being a great ending to 2015!
The First Snow:: Michelle & Matteo
Toddler sessions never go as planned-- which is actually why I find them so fun. You can't go in with a plan and pinterest-visions dancing in your head, because toddlers have an amazing ability to throw all of it out the window; yet, what they come up with is usually much better anyway. Such was the case when I photographed Michelle and her son, Matteo.
It was the first snowfall of the season. Matteo was so intrigued by all the white fluffy stuff, that he couldn't stop bounding through it and then stopping to pick it up. Another challenge of this shoot was the fact that I had laryngitis at the time-- and my usual method for getting kids to smile at the camera involves making a ton of weird noises! Matteo was a pro though and would stop and flash a smile for me-- if I was quick enough to catch it. :)
We took a short break to warm up inside the Loussac Library. When doing sessions with kids, it's always helpful to have some sort of activity for them to do so they don't get bored. (As a teacher, I also LOVE the idea of the library shoot. Instilling a love for literature at a young age is something I can definitely get behind!) Michelle and I had to race around to keep up with Matteo-- he was so excited about all the books and electronic check-out machines!
I've known Michelle since High School, when we did theater together. I've seen her in many roles, but none as cool as her role as Matteo's Mom. There's something I'm in awe of in my friends who are raising tiny humans. There is so much love, and patience, and kindness. Every word and action carries so much meaning for these kids, and I see all of that beauty coming through the camera. And each shot restores my faith in humanity. (I know that sounds kind of cliche' and even extreme, but in light of world events lately, I think it's important to recognize these beautiful moments for their power.) It was an honor to spend the afternoon with these two and celebrate a powerful Mother-Son bond. Thank you for bringing so much love to the world!