Maternity Sarah Freije Maternity Sarah Freije

Maternity Session at the Anchorage Municipal Greenhouse

The Mann Leiser Memorial Greenhouse is an Anchorage gem and an amazing photo location! Chances are if you follow any photographer in Anchorage (maybe even Alaska!?) you've seen this spot show up on your social media. It is stunning in it's own right, but it is also my favorite weather back-up plan for photos.

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Motherhood, Maternity Sarah Freije Motherhood, Maternity Sarah Freije

Turnagain Arm Maternity: Meredith


How lucky am I to be a photographer in Alaska?! And how lucky am I to have the easiest access to the Turnagain Arm where there are so many wonderful places to take photos!? For Meredith’s maternity session we started out at McHugh Creek (which is always notoriously windy, though I love it!) and then moved on to Beluga Point just down the road.

I love getting to photograph maternity sessions because it is such a wild time for a woman and her partner. I love that the session feels like a fun date-night, but it is also such a great time to focus on baby and this journey you are on. I also love my clients, and the fact that I can say things like, “Now for this shot, I want you to look at the water and imagine your husband is at sea,” and no one will bat an eye. The best! <3

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Maternity, Motherhood Sarah Freije Maternity, Motherhood Sarah Freije

Tara: Beluga Point Maternity Session


One thing you need to know about me: I’m incredibly passionate about motherhood and supporting moms. After becoming a mom, my business focus completely shifted and I wanted to spend my time documenting families in all stages. There’s something about maternity sessions where I just really love the chance to connect with women while they are going through such an amazing time. The prenatal stage is full of so much love, excitement, fear, anxiety— and I really appreciate the chance to just slow things down for a bit and check in with the mom-to-be. This session was especially big in that way because I was just coming off of my own maternity leave and it was my first session back since having my daughter. I was so excited to be back to work— as well as loving the chance to connect with other adults! (Tara did tell me later that I was like a puppy who was seeing people for the first time all-day!) I hope all that joy really comes through in these.

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Sarah Freije Sarah Freije

Sarah + Chris: Maternity Session


I have so much love I need to cram into this post, so bear with me. First of all, I was just named one of's "Best Maternity Photographers in Anchorage" for the second year in a row! That is such an honor! I love finding gorgeous locations for these sessions and capturing the emotions and this amazing time in a woman's life!

Second, I just want to give a huge shout-out to Sarah and Chris for being such troopers during this session. It was SO COLD. I mean, it was the kind of cold that cracks the skin around your fingernails if you aren't wearing mittens (which, of course, I wasn't). At one point, Sarah opted for an outfit change, and rather than heading back to the car- she changed behind a blanket Chris held up for her. The shock of cold was felt even by her little baby, because they started moving around, which is just so cool.

Sometimes during sessions I ask clients to tell stories about their life together, and some of them are hilarious. Sarah told me about a time that Chris peed in her shoes, and I about lost it. I couldn't even keep my camera steady. These are the kind of moments I really adore during sessions with my clients.

It's such an honor to capture these important moments. Thank you for trusting me with your memories.

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Sarah Freije Sarah Freije

Moms, Babies, and an Awesome Honor!


Moms are amazing. Whether you became a Mom biologically or adopted or became a stepmom, raising little humans is a wild and emotional ride, and I think you are amazing. We can function on no sleep and don't even balk at getting puke on yet another outfit. We can nourish a tiny human and provide all-healing snuggles. And I never realized these superpowers until becoming a Mom myself. I love Moms.

Which is why being named one of Anchorage's Best Maternity Photographers by is a huge honor. I love capturing the miracle of maternity sessions (because holy smokes the human body is amazing and women don't get enough credit for all that your body goes through!) I love photos of wrinkly baby hands, and have woken my son up more times than I'd care to admit with the sound of a camera shutter. I am so honored to be included with 11 other talented photographers, and am so humbled that people continue to ask me to capture these important milestones in their lives.

And just because it's an honor to be nominated (and I got the baby to sleep so I have this blissful window of time!) I want to take a quick walk down memory lane and share some of my favorite maternity, baby, and family shots.

When I heard that Poorva was going to have henna on her hands, I instantly envisioned this shot. Hands cupping your belly is such a sweet part of being pregnant, and the designs just added so much.

When I heard that Poorva was going to have henna on her hands, I instantly envisioned this shot. Hands cupping your belly is such a sweet part of being pregnant, and the designs just added so much.

I also love getting to talk to the parents-to-be during our session. Poorva and Rishi had scheduled me for newborn photos to, and this was the look that I got when I said, "You guys! The next time I see you, you will be parents!"

I also love getting to talk to the parents-to-be during our session. Poorva and Rishi had scheduled me for newborn photos to, and this was the look that I got when I said, "You guys! The next time I see you, you will be parents!"

Danae's session was another one that I loved. It wasn't particularly pretty out-- thanks to being break-up in Alaska-- but we found these gorgeous woods and some brilliant light, and she just became this amazing goddess during her session.

Danae's session was another one that I loved. It wasn't particularly pretty out-- thanks to being break-up in Alaska-- but we found these gorgeous woods and some brilliant light, and she just became this amazing goddess during her session.

And it isn't just the Mamas that are so wonderful to work with. It's all of these cute babies too! ... I'm a little biased with this one though, since this sweet babe is mine. :)

And it isn't just the Mamas that are so wonderful to work with. It's all of these cute babies too! ... I'm a little biased with this one though, since this sweet babe is mine. :)


Thank you so much for including me in all of these amazing parts of your life. Your referrals mean so much to me, and I'd love hearing from anyone looking for maternity photos, labor pictures, and newborn lifestyle sessions.

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Sarah Freije Sarah Freije

Dante:: Maternity & Family Portraits

I always try to be gentle when it comes to posing my mom-to-be clients. Not too much sitting, not too much schlepping through weeds... after-all, I want them to be as comfortable as possible. Many clients laugh when I tell them this and say something like, “Oh, nothing feels comfortable right now!” But not Dante. She laughs, but tells me that just last week she was climbing Flat Top. (I climbed that peak for the first time this summer, and know it is no small feat-- even when you’re not pregnant!) And just to drive home how absolutely hardcore this Mama is—she made the ascent with her two little girls in tow.

We make use of the beautiful golden light that is returning again to Alaska evenings. A few weeks ago at a different shoot, I stumbled on this amazing garden near the Kincaid Park Chalet. It just screamed for more portrait sessions.

Dante and I talk throughout her session and I can’t help but burst out laughing when she makes jokes about going to the Alaska State Fair may result in “giving birth in the 4-H exhibit”. She tells me this photo shoot makes her feel like Daenerys Targaryen from “Game of Thrones”—and I can’t help but later photo shop a dragon into one of the pics to make her a true Mother of Dragons. (Usually when I get to this stage of editing photos, I know I need to take a little break. Ha!)

After some solo time, we meet up with her husband, Talon, & daughters, Isolde & Freja. The girls look positively angelic in their floral crowns that their uber-talented mother made!

It became my biggest challenge to get Freja to smile. She was happiest running (and tripping) amongst the flowers.

I love the stage when kids think it is gross when their parents kiss-- a stage that Isolde is smack-dab in the middle of. :) When I asked Dante & Talon to kiss, she immediately turned and said "Noooo!" I love the look of shock on her face in these photos.

After spending an hour with this lovely family, it became clear there is no slowing down for them. From Isolde launching herself off rocks into her Daddy’s waiting arms to Freja using her Mom as her personal jungle gym—Talon & Dante have their hands full. But it’s clear they would have it no other way! They tackle everything together with knowing looks, shared inside jokes, and no desire to slow down the chaos. Their new daughter will be such a lucky addition to such a loving family. Congrats you two!

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