Turnagain Arm Maternity: Meredith


How lucky am I to be a photographer in Alaska?! And how lucky am I to have the easiest access to the Turnagain Arm where there are so many wonderful places to take photos!? For Meredith’s maternity session we started out at McHugh Creek (which is always notoriously windy, though I love it!) and then moved on to Beluga Point just down the road.

I love getting to photograph maternity sessions because it is such a wild time for a woman and her partner. I love that the session feels like a fun date-night, but it is also such a great time to focus on baby and this journey you are on. I also love my clients, and the fact that I can say things like, “Now for this shot, I want you to look at the water and imagine your husband is at sea,” and no one will bat an eye. The best! <3


Anchorage Backyard Session: Lindsay and Steve


Anchorage Front Porch Session: Bonney Familiy