Anchorage Backyard Session: Lindsay and Steve

Backyard Family Lifestyle Anchorage

I’ve always loved all of the epic locations I get to use in Alaska as a photographer, but recently my favorite locations have changed. Sure, mountains and glacier-fed lakes are amazing— but in my book, they’ve got nothing on your own backyard. I love photographing families on their own turf because in so many ways it already sets the tone; kids are relaxed and ready to play, and parents are calm because they haven’t had to deal with a screaming car ride and perfect outfits now covered in snacks and spit-up. They are in a familiar place, and the love and connection really gets to take center stage.

Keeping it close to home for Lindsay, Steve, and their boys felt especially perfect in a year when we are all spending more time at home. I know with my own kids, our backyard has been our saving grace during the pandemic— and though it isn’t the most gorgeous spot, it will always remind me of our days where we really relied on each other and learned to create magic out of nothing. And to me, this is also the essence of lifestyle photography. It’s the idea of letting you live your daily life the way you always do, and I come along to capture split-second moments in a way that allows you to see the magic that was always there.


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