Families Sarah Freije Families Sarah Freije

Fall at Flattop Mountain: Family Session

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Families Sarah Freije Families Sarah Freije

Anchorage Bluff with 8-Month Old

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Families Sarah Freije Families Sarah Freije

Coffee and Playground Mornings | Anchorage Documentary-style Family Session

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In-Home Lifestyle, Motherhood, Families, Babies Sarah Freije In-Home Lifestyle, Motherhood, Families, Babies Sarah Freije

Anchorage Cozy Newborn Session

The early winter months in Anchorage hold a special kind of magic. The first snow seems to quiet the whole world and I love the draw to slow down and be cozy. In a lot of ways, it is reminiscent to those early days at home with a newborn. I really love that this session seemed to capture that sense of hygge (the art of coziness) and quiet.

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Families Sarah Freije Families Sarah Freije

Snowy Day Family Session

I love when families want to capture activities that they enjoy. Fun activities are one of the best ways to get those genuine, unposed moments that truly showcase the love and bond within a family. Add in a little record-setting snow and you’ve got a recipe for magic.

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Families, In-Home Lifestyle, Babies Sarah Freije Families, In-Home Lifestyle, Babies Sarah Freije

Anchorage Newborn & Bedtime Session

We put our kids to bed every night. The same routines become part of your family's story, some of the first memories for your kids. The books you read together, the silly songs you make up about jammies and tooth brushes, the bath toys. But how often do we think of photographing those things and honoring how truly important they really are? This family booked a bedtime routine photo session.

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Motherhood, Families Sarah Freije Motherhood, Families Sarah Freije

Wild Lupine Motherhood Session

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Families Sarah Freije Families Sarah Freije

Seward Camping Photography: Sally's Birthday

One of my favorite sessions from the summer was definitely taking photos for a camping birthday party. Add in Seward, Alaska (one of my favorite locations!) and an adorable Grandpa doting on the birthday girl!? Yes please!

I love when clients think outside the box as to what their family photos can be— and so far, camping family photo sessions are my favorite version of that. (And not just because I usually plan to camp with my own family at the same time— though it is definitely a perk!) There are so many natural activities that happen when you’re camping, so it makes for a very relaxed session. We can spend the time throwing rocks in the water, climbing into the tent and reading stories, and of course making S’mores around the fire.

If there is something you and your family love to do, document it! Also, I have to give a huge shout-out to this mama— she always books photos each year to make sure she’s getting a chance to get in the frame with her daughter. It means the world to me, and I hope one day, these photos will mean the world to her daughter.

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Families, Motherhood Sarah Freije Families, Motherhood Sarah Freije

Kenai In-Home Family Photography: Baby Bea

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I like to think that I can see the magic in your life when you can’t. I don’t mean that in a way that is supposed to make you feel bad for not seeing it. (Trust me, I can’t see my own life’s magic a lot of the time either.) But there’s something about walking into a home with my camera where everything just falls into place for me. I see the way that your toddler feels a gravitational pull to the parents. I notice the toys stacked in bins and baskets that you’d love to donate right now, but one day will remind you of this time. There’s intimacy and love everywhere, and I can see it because I have fresh eyes in your space.

When Hannah asked me if I’d be willing to drive to Kenai to take their photos, I couldn’t write back “hell yeah!” fast enough! Not only because she’s one of my all-time favorite clients and not only because I think we should be best friends— but because I knew there would be so much magic.

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Families, In-Home Lifestyle Sarah Freije Families, In-Home Lifestyle Sarah Freije

Anchorage Backyard Session: Lindsay and Steve

Backyard Family Lifestyle Anchorage

I’ve always loved all of the epic locations I get to use in Alaska as a photographer, but recently my favorite locations have changed. Sure, mountains and glacier-fed lakes are amazing— but in my book, they’ve got nothing on your own backyard. I love photographing families on their own turf because in so many ways it already sets the tone; kids are relaxed and ready to play, and parents are calm because they haven’t had to deal with a screaming car ride and perfect outfits now covered in snacks and spit-up. They are in a familiar place, and the love and connection really gets to take center stage.

Keeping it close to home for Lindsay, Steve, and their boys felt especially perfect in a year when we are all spending more time at home. I know with my own kids, our backyard has been our saving grace during the pandemic— and though it isn’t the most gorgeous spot, it will always remind me of our days where we really relied on each other and learned to create magic out of nothing. And to me, this is also the essence of lifestyle photography. It’s the idea of letting you live your daily life the way you always do, and I come along to capture split-second moments in a way that allows you to see the magic that was always there.

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Families Sarah Freije Families Sarah Freije

Anchorage Front Porch Session: Bonney Familiy

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I love history. I’m obsessed with it. I used to be a Middle School Social Studies teacher, and I couldn’t get over how all of the stories were better than anything made-up. And right now, I’m trying my best to remind myself that during this Covid-19 pandemic, we are living history.

The historian in me desperately wants to document that. One day, we will look back on photos and remember what it was like when we lived in a little bubble with our families for months. Our kids will hopefully look back and remember the summer they got to spend so much time with their parents and all of the fun stuff they did.

I know it is hard right now, in the thick of it, but it won’t always feel like that. This is precisely the reason I’m loving Front Porch Sessions. What better way to commemorate this time in history? (Also, it’s a huge bonus that you don’t even have to leave your house for a photo session!)

I hope to do a lot more of these sessions during the summer of 2020, and capture the moments you never knew you were going to miss.

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Families Sarah Freije Families Sarah Freije

Robey Family: Anchorage Winter Session


This was my last session before my family and I started to self-isolate as news of Coronavirus spread, and the truth is, I couldn’t have asked for a better last-social-life-hoorah. This was in March when it hadn’t really hit Alaska yet, but the news around the world was enough to induce anxiety. Originally, we’d talked about rescheduling, but when I heard that Grandma was up visiting, I knew we had to go forward with it and I’m so glad we did. (Of course being incredibly cautious.)

It’s crazy to think that it’s been six weeks now since this session, and this was my last in-person social interaction with anyone outside of my family. In this time of social distancing and fear, that sense of community really stuck with me. After the initial weirdness about not being able to hug or shake hands at the beginning of the session wore off, we were left with two sweet little boys playing, enjoying their mom, dad, and grandma, and desperately trying to eat as much snow as they could get their hands on.

In some ways, I look at these photos and it feels like a lifetime ago. And in other ways, it reminds me that this sort of simple joy is what I’m excited to return to. (That, and hugs and handshakes.)

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