In-Home Lifestyle, Motherhood, Families, Babies Sarah Freije In-Home Lifestyle, Motherhood, Families, Babies Sarah Freije

Anchorage Cozy Newborn Session

The early winter months in Anchorage hold a special kind of magic. The first snow seems to quiet the whole world and I love the draw to slow down and be cozy. In a lot of ways, it is reminiscent to those early days at home with a newborn. I really love that this session seemed to capture that sense of hygge (the art of coziness) and quiet.

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Families, In-Home Lifestyle, Babies Sarah Freije Families, In-Home Lifestyle, Babies Sarah Freije

Anchorage Newborn & Bedtime Session

We put our kids to bed every night. The same routines become part of your family's story, some of the first memories for your kids. The books you read together, the silly songs you make up about jammies and tooth brushes, the bath toys. But how often do we think of photographing those things and honoring how truly important they really are? This family booked a bedtime routine photo session.

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Maternity, Motherhood, In-Home Lifestyle Sarah Freije Maternity, Motherhood, In-Home Lifestyle Sarah Freije

In-Home Maternity Session | Madison & Denali

Being in your own space is comfortable, cozy, and also such a huge part of your life story. I know Alaska is one of the most beautiful places in the world and it's hard to not take advantage of that when doing photos— but I always encourage people to not overlook the beauty in their own spaces too.

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Babies, In-Home Lifestyle, Motherhood Sarah Freije Babies, In-Home Lifestyle, Motherhood Sarah Freije

Homer Lifestyle Newborn: Baby August

Anchorage Newborn Lifestyle Photography

I traveled to Homer, Alaska for this in-home lifestyle newborn session— and it was an absolute dream. First, getting to travel for work is such an awesome perk, and Homer is one of my favorite places in the world. Second, the parents wanted the photos to feel very much like how this newborn whirlwind has felt: sleep deprived, slow and fast all at the same time, and overwhelmed with love. They completely trusted me, and that is always the best place to begin to make art.

Another thing I loved from this session was the Dad brewed a special beer for Baby August’s arrival. Mom was super excited to try it once she wasn’t pregnant anymore. Dad said he wants to hang onto the recipe, and make it again when August turns 21— I mean, how precious is that!?

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Motherhood, In-Home Lifestyle, Babies Sarah Freije Motherhood, In-Home Lifestyle, Babies Sarah Freije

In-Home Anchorage Newborn: Baby Ada

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Babies, In-Home Lifestyle Sarah Freije Babies, In-Home Lifestyle Sarah Freije

Anchorage Newborn Lifestyle: Madison

I photographed Baby Madison and her (adorable!) family at their home in Anchorage, Alaska on the most perfect spring day. In-home lifestyle sessions with newborns have quickly become my favorite thing to photograph because there is so much storytelling I get to capture. (Big sister sneaking peeks over the side of the bassinet, families snuggled up in bed reading, and all the sweet baby details.)

There is also so much emotion. Some of my favorite shots from this session were when Mom started tearing up by the crib. She apologized, and I emphatically told her I loved it when people cried in front of my camera! Don’t ever apologize for that! Documentary and lifestyle photographers live for that kind of stuff!

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In-Home Lifestyle, Babies Sarah Freije In-Home Lifestyle, Babies Sarah Freije

Portland In-Home Lifestyle: Emily + Brandon


I had no way of knowing during this session that this would be my last pre-pandemic session. Blogging this so much later definitely makes me see these photos through a different lens. I’d flown to Portland to help out my sister after welcoming baby number two, and had no idea it would be almost a year-and-a-half before seeing them again. It would be a year before I’d be back in people’s homes taking photos, and even longer before photographing births and Fresh 48s.

Looking at these photos though, I love how much of their home life and routine is captured here— especially because we were all about to spend so much time at home. Living far from family or not having others in your bubble during that time, meant that you really relied on your own little individual family unit— and I have to say, the pandemic really made me love/appreciate in-home photos even more than I had before.

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Families, In-Home Lifestyle Sarah Freije Families, In-Home Lifestyle Sarah Freije

Anchorage Backyard Session: Lindsay and Steve

Backyard Family Lifestyle Anchorage

I’ve always loved all of the epic locations I get to use in Alaska as a photographer, but recently my favorite locations have changed. Sure, mountains and glacier-fed lakes are amazing— but in my book, they’ve got nothing on your own backyard. I love photographing families on their own turf because in so many ways it already sets the tone; kids are relaxed and ready to play, and parents are calm because they haven’t had to deal with a screaming car ride and perfect outfits now covered in snacks and spit-up. They are in a familiar place, and the love and connection really gets to take center stage.

Keeping it close to home for Lindsay, Steve, and their boys felt especially perfect in a year when we are all spending more time at home. I know with my own kids, our backyard has been our saving grace during the pandemic— and though it isn’t the most gorgeous spot, it will always remind me of our days where we really relied on each other and learned to create magic out of nothing. And to me, this is also the essence of lifestyle photography. It’s the idea of letting you live your daily life the way you always do, and I come along to capture split-second moments in a way that allows you to see the magic that was always there.

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Babies, In-Home Lifestyle Sarah Freije Babies, In-Home Lifestyle Sarah Freije

Baby Mackenzie: In-Home Lifestyle Newborn


On a blisteringly cold January day in Anchorage, I got to spend the morning surrounded by absolute warmth and love with this sweet little family. Before I arrived, I asked Katie and Dan what they loved most about their new routines now that they were parents. They mentioned the way that you can feel complete in just hanging out on the couch or reading books in bed while taking in all of the different faces your baby makes. I love that answer, and I feel like it is so true in that newborn phase. Time bends in a weird way where you can’t really tell what day it is or if you showered that morning (or was it three days ago?) and all that you can focus on is that adorable little face.

After hearing that, I knew I wanted Baby Mackenzie’s in-home newborn session to include a lot of snuggling in the bed. Mackenzie (with the good hair!) will be able to know so much about her mom and dad when she looks at these photos when she is older, and see how much love filled their home.

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In-Home Lifestyle, Babies Sarah Freije In-Home Lifestyle, Babies Sarah Freije

Palmer In-Home Family Session


Family lifestyle sessions— both indoor and outdoor— are my absolute favorite thing in the whole world to photograph, and I realized I’ve completely neglected showing that on my blog! I love all of the story lines you can pull out of family sessions. In this particular series, I love all of the shots with big brother in the frame because you can really see how he is trying to make sense of what has just happened to his little world. (This next one you’re about to see, where he is watching from the chair as Mom swaddles the new baby is everything to me!)

While Alaska offers so many gorgeous outdoor spots for photos, there is something magical about going indoors when a new baby comes home. I love capturing the little routines, the spaces where families spend a lot of time, and of course, the sweet little baby details. The best part too about lifestyle photos, is you really get to relax in front of the camera and just love on your family without having to worry about being perfect.

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